
Matyakubov Nurbek Rayimberganovich

Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual-Educational Work

Doctor of philosophy in historical sciences (PhD), associate professor

Vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational work

Duties of the Vice Rector for Youth Affairs:

• Organization of implementation of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Presidential decrees and orders, resolutions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and training;

• Organize educational, scientific, financial and spiritual-educational work on the basis of state educational standards and provide training of qualified personnel;

• Ensuring that all deans and departments, heads of departments and teachers are fully aware of the content of knowledge and the set of requirements for the level of training in accordance with state educational standards;

• Provide training of highly educated, qualified personnel with high moral and ethical qualities, able to think independently;

• To inculcate the national idea in the minds of students, to form practical, effective mechanisms for spiritual and moral education;

• Improving the management of the spiritual and educational process;

• Develop current and future plans for spiritual and educational work and establish a mechanism to monitor their implementation.;

• Development of normative and methodological documents, action plans for the system of spiritual and educational work;

• Timely delivery of decrees and resolutions adopted by the President and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan to students, professors and teachers, as well as the organization of comprehensive explanations;

• Timely delivery of documents adopted by the competent state bodies on spiritual and educational issues to the staff of the higher education institution and ensuring the implementation of their activities;

• Provide the necessary conditions for the formation of a social environment among professors and students of educational institutions in accordance with the requirements of the liberalization of society;

• Work with law enforcement agencies to provide legal education and prevent crime;

• Establish a system for disseminating information about national and international life to the general public, teachers and students;

• Preparation and publication of scientific, methodological and practical literature, manuals on spiritual and educational issues;

• Prepare appropriate proposals for the formation of the final state attestation commissions in the social sciences and humanities;

• Organize meaningful leisure time for students. Areas and specialties in accordance with the interests of students in the educational institution, clubs by professions, small businesses, aimed at the productive and useful work of students in their free time;

• Regular monitoring of the living conditions of students in the educational institution to ensure that they meet the requirements of the students living in them;

• Pay special attention to the study and study of fiction among students, in particular, high-quality works of art created in Uzbekistan during the years of independence. To this end, special contests for the best interpretation, analysis and review of works of art, readers' conferences, meetings with authors and writers, to encourage winners. Enriching the information resource center of the educational institution with various works of art, journalism, popular science publications;

• Supervise the maintenance of uninterrupted and high-quality operation of sports and health, household services, nutrition, recreation, cultural and recreational systems of the educational institution;

• Obtain information about the financial situation of students from low-income, large families and conduct regular work on their social protection;

• Organize and oversee collaborations between students' parents, local governments, charities, communities, faculties, and educational institutions;

• Organize regular competitions, festivals, amateur art competitions and Olympiads;

• Ensuring the active participation of faculty and students in various public works and events at the national, regional and municipal levels;

• Make suggestions on the direction of spiritual and educational work and increase their effectiveness;

• Develop a code of ethics and a high culture of behavior in the relationship between faculty and students.


Matyakubov Nurbek Rayimberganovich was born in Shavat district, Khorezm region. In 2009-2013, he graduated from the Historical faculty of Urgench State University with a bachelor's degree, and in 2013-2015 - a master's degree at the Uzbekistan National University in the specialty “Public administration and local self-government”. In 2012, he became a laureate of the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Currently, he works at Urgench innovation university as a vice-rector for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, as well as a senior lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages. In 2022, he successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 07.00.01 – History of Uzbekistan, on the topic “Housing policy in Uzbekistan (1991-2021)".): historical analysis”. He is the author of more than 60 scientific articles, 2 brochures, and 1 methodological manual.

In addition to scientific and pedagogical work, Nurbek Matyakubov participates in the implementation of research projects, scientific and technical developments actively.

He also works on a voluntary basis in the Koshkopir  branch of the Red Crescent Society of Uzbekistan in  Kushkupir district as a researcher and on Grant No. 2 “Landscaping my neighborhood”, implemented with the support of the Public Fund under the regional Council of People's Deputies.

Matyakubov Nurbek Rayimberganovich lectures at national and international conferences with his scientific, scientific, methodological and practical work.  

Matyakubov Nurbek takes an active part in agitation and propaganda work, spiritual and educational events on a regional scale. He presents his scientific and practical experience at conferences devoted to topical issues of historical science. He regularly participates in university-wide spiritual and educational events and personally participates in each event with his lectures. He is highly respected by both students and team members as a responsible, demanding and inquisitive leader.

Matyakubov Nurbek has high job experience, in accordance with the professional sphere, as a responsible scientific and pedagogical staff.  He conducts lectures, laboratory and seminars on request, effectively and purposefully uses modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies while He is working with students. He is aware of the necessary information on spiritual, educational, socio-political issues, conducts far-sighted work with an independent and responsible approach. 

During his career, he was awarded the commemorative badge “25 years of the Constitution of Uzbekistan” and the badge "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan". 

Certificates and awards