Shundan so'ng universitetimiz ijodkor o'qituvchilari tomonidan Ona yurt tinchligini eng qimmatli boylik ekanligini madh etuvchi purma'no she'rlar o'qib eshittirildi. Tadbirda, shuningdek, talabalari 10:15 14/01/2025
In honor of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a solemn event was held at Urgench Innovation University under the motto "The Constitution is the ke 10:08 05/01/2025
The New Year's Carnival at Urgench Innovation University has become one of the brightest and most memorable events of the year. 11:52 24/12/2024
The final stage of the "One Book per Week" project was held at the Urgench Innovation University 13:14 20/12/2024
A festival competition for the best pumpkin designed was held at the Urgench Innovation University 11:34 11/11/2024
Urganch Innovation University May 9 - an event was organized in connection with the "Day of Remembrance and Appreciation". 12:37 06/05/2024
The strategy of innovative approaches to the formation of spiritual and moral competencies in modern education 12:00 25/04/2024
A roundtable discussion on the topic "Beware of propaganda of extremist ideas on the Internet" was held at Urganch Innovation University. 10:27 25/03/2024